Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Did you know that our hoopla app has tons of diet and fitness books for your enjoyment? To get to these selections, just:

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  • Scroll down until you see the hoopla link on the left side of the page.
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  • Enjoy!
 Here are some of the available titles:

The Rainbow Diet by Deanna Minich is a "Holistic Approach to Radiant Health Through Foods and Supplements." Don't just eat your greens-eat your reds, yellows, and blues with this guide to the colorful world of nutrition and optimal health. Forget about bland, colorless diet foods. Vibrant health begins when we embrace the full spectrum of naturally occurring nutrients. In The Rainbow Diet, nutritionist and health expert Deanna Minich, PhD, explains how foods of different colors correspond to different dietary needs. You'll learn how to create a balanced meal featuring colorful foods that boost your mental clarity, emotional wellbeing, spiritual fulfillment, and more. Providing information on foods and supplements, Minich also includes delicious recipes, as well as activities to help you heal and flourish.The Rainbow Diet combines ancient healing and eating practices with modern nutritional science to create an integrated view of body, psychology, eating, and living. With this holistic approach, Minich gives readers an easy-to-follow guide to attaining physical, mental, and spiritual health through colorful whole foods and natural supplements." (from hoopla website)

Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life is by Suhas Kshirsagar and Michelle D. Seaton. "An eye-opening handbook from a leading Ayurvedic physician that blends cutting-edge science on "clock genes" with ancient eastern wisdom to help us understand how to harness the power of chronobiology to effortlessly lose weight, sleep better, exercise stronger, reduce stress, and boost our well-being."It's not you, it's your schedule." Does it sound like magic? It's not. We've all heard of circadian rhythms-those biological processes that give us jet lag and make us night owls or early birds. But few of us know just how profoundly these diurnal patterns affect our overall health. Bad habits like skipping meals, squeezing in workouts when it's convenient, working late into the night to maximize productivity and then trying to "catch up" on sleep during the weekend disrupt our natural cycles. A growing body of research on chronobiology reveals just how sensitive the human body is to these rhythms all the way down to the genetic level. Our "clock genes" control more than we realize, and small changes can make the difference between battling our bodies, and effortlessly managing weight, sleep, stress, inflammation, and more. Marrying ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with the latest scientific research, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar's holistic step-by-step 30-day plan gives you the tools-and the schedule-you need to transform your life. With diagnostic quizzes to determine your specific mind-body type, you will learn to adapt you schedule for effortless wellness for life." (from hoopla website)

Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley & Henry S. Lodge was written to help you "Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy-Until You're 80 and Beyond." The bestselling, breakthrough book on reversing the aging process, updated for its 15th anniversary to include important information about how the Younger Next Year rules affect the brain as well as the body. Yes, you can be functionally younger year after year, by following Harry and Chris's rules for exercise, eating, and connection." (from hoopla website)

The Big Book of 30-Day Fitness Challenges by Andie Thueson shows you "60 Habit-Forming Routines to Make Working Out Fun. Sticking to a fitness routine has never been this much fun! We all know we should be getting some level of physical activity every day. But it's hard to decide which kind. And it's even harder to find the time. Packed with fun fitness ideas, this creative and colorful book offers over 60 month-long challenges that solve both those issues. Each challenge is broken down day by day so you always know exactly what you should be doing, and provides a tracker so you can see your progress. The challenges range from low-impact yoga flows to running routines to family group activities, and also include support challenges and habits to improve your mental toughness and endurance. The Big Book of 30-Day Fitness Challenges will be the most fun you ever have exercising and the easiest way to build a healthy exercise habit." (from hoopla website)

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