Wednesday, January 26, 2022

New Easy Book Series for Children

Author Sally Lucas continues her Dancing Dinos Step into Reading series with two new titles. The dancing dinos are back in Dancing Dinos Go To School, and this time they are taking over the classroom in this fun, rhyming Step 1 reader that is perfect for back to school! When the dancing dino's book turns up in a school library, they leap out and bring their musical mayhem to a kid’s classroom. In Dancing Dinos at the Beach, they've got sunscreen! When the dancing dinos pop out of a picture book and land in the sand, it's not long before they have completely taken over the beach, building sand castles, collecting shells, and even waterskiing. No beachgoer is safe from the madcap mayhem of these mamboing dinosaurs.

Author Mary Elizabeth Salzmann has an Pets are Fun! series. The library holds the following titles: Birds are Fun!, Cats are Fun!, Dogs are Fun!, Hamsters are Fun!, Horses are Fun!, and Rabbits are Fun! Children will enjoy reading about the various pets and what it means to take care of them.

Fran Manushkin has penned a series with a young lad named Pedro. In Pedro is Rich, Pedro receives some money from his grandmother for his birthday, his father suggests that he put some of it in the bank, but than Pedro has to decide what to do with the remainder. In Pedro and the Dragon, Pedro attends a colorful parade with his friend Katie Woo and her family to celebrate Chinese New Year, but when Katie goes missing Pedro is ready to come to the rescue.

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