Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Nose for Justice

I really enjoy it when one of my favorite authors begins a new series :) I enjoy Rita Mae Brown's "Jane Arnold" and "Mrs. Murphy" series (this is co-written by her cat Sneaky Pie Brown and stars postmistress Mary Minor Haristeen and her cat Mrs. Murphy). Brown's latest is similar to the "Mrs. Murphy" series in that the animals have starring roles in this cozy mystery. A Nose for Justice is the debut mystery in this series. The main characters are Magdalene "Jeep" Reed, a ranch owner in Nevada who piloted planes in World War II and is very well off because she discovered a large quantity of gold deposits and purchased the land and its rights. She owns a German Shepherd named King who discovers skeletal remains buried underground in her barn. The other main character is Magdalene "Mags" Rogers, Jeep's great-niece, who had a high-powered Wall Street job and moved in with her great-aunt to start her life over when the economy tanked. Mags owns a dachshund named Baxter who has had to discover how to get along with King and adjust to life in the great open spaces of Nevada. Another important character is Pete Meadows, a deputy investigating the sabotage of several water pumps around the ranch and a series of local murders. The writing is typical Rita Mae Brown--full of lush descriptions of the scenery and well-developed characters. My only complaint with the book is that there was a lot of involved information about the fight for water rights in Nevada. I believe the information was useful in setting up the scene for future books in the series, but the abundance of water rights history and information did make the first third of the book drag. I am looking forward to reading the second book in the series and watching these characters develop.

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