Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Explore New Family Traditions

The Book of New Family Traditions by Meg Cox examines how to create great rituals for holidays and every day.  Quality family togetherness—everyone wants it, but it seems increasingly harder to get.  In a busy world where kids and parents are bombarded with all sorts of distractions, family rituals can offer a sense of home and identity that is good for the whole family.  In this expanded and updated edition, Meg Cox has gathered hundreds of memorable, meaningful traditions that can make very day special, providing inspiring ideas for mealtimes & bedtimes; problem-solving rituals that soothe squabbles and stop tantrums; milestones, birthday and holidays.  As well as:  tech tips for using social media and other technology to bring the family together; special considerations for divorced families and stepfamilies, and fun craft activities. This book is for a whole new generation of families, and is an essential resource for sparking the fun into family life.

In leafing through this book I read some of the best ideas and wished I had known some of these sooner, most especially in the Hello & Good-bye Rituals.  The Day Care Drop-off Magic Words would have been great when taking my nephews for the weekend.  In the Chore Rituals sections, I loved the mix a duty with a privilege  and the Monster Spray in the Section on Bedtime—pure genius!

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