Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Miscellaneous Non-Fiction for Your Consideration

The library orders and receives more books than we, here at the library, can read and fit onto this blog or into my weekly newspaper column. So, I thought it would be a good idea to highlight some of the less glamorous, but all-together informative non-fiction that we have recently acquired.

The 11:45 Call: An Expository Bible Study of the Book of Jude is by Joel F. Blakely and Brenda Klutz Blakely. The book of Jude is God's last attempt to give humanity His instructions on how to be delivered from destruction and what will happen if we don't listen. The book of Jude zeros in on the instructions that Jesus left his disciples to beware, to be ready, walk in faith and truth, and to testify to the work that God has done in our lives.

Next, we have 5@55: The 5 Essential Documents You Need by Age 55 written by Judith D. Grimaldi, Esq. and Joanne Seminara, Esq. with Pierre A. Lehu. This small, but informative book is for everyone; not just those 55 years old and older. You never know when you may need a will or an advanced health care directive. Illness, disability, and death may strike at any time; yet most people don't have the necessary legal documents in place to safeguard our loved ones and our assets. This book covers the five most important documents you should have: a Will, a Health Care Proxy, a Living Will, a Power of Attorney, and a Digital Diary (which gives authorization for your representative to access your computer and online accounts). These documents will help ensure that your assets go to the right people, your wishes about your medical care will be respected, and that the people you trust will be in charge of your affairs. This is not a difficult book to understand. The authors wrote it for the average layperson to understand, so why not check it out today?

Finally, have you ever thought about writing your memoirs, but have been at a loss at where to begin? Well, perhaps you should check-out Turning Memories into Memoirs: A Handbook for Writing Lifestories by Denis Ledoux. The author leads you through writing your personal or family history step-by-step. He offers practical advice and tips for helping you remember the salient details of the stories you are trying to tell. You will learn proven story writing techniques and strategies to write stories that others will enjoy and you will gain the skills necessary to help you gain access to your life's deeper, inner meaning.

These, and other informative books are readily available here at the library. Come in and check them out!

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