Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Graphic Novels are Now Available

Thanks to a grant from LSTA, we are adding a number of graphic novels to our library collection.  The first have already arrived with more due to arrive in the coming weeks.

The graphic novels cover a wide variety of topics from non-fiction to iconic comic book heroes.  Please note that several of these titles were intended for an adult audience, so parents, please be aware of what materials your children are checking out and read them yourselves if you are concerned about the content.

Here are three of the graphic novels currently available.  They can be found on the wooden shelving to the side of the Reference Desk.

How to Fake a Moon Landing by Darryl Cunningham

Is hydro-fracking safe? Is climate change real? Did the moon landing actually happen? How about evolution: fact or fiction? Award-winning author-illustrator Darryl Cunningham looks at these and other hot-button science topics and presents a fact-based, visual assessment of current thinking and research on eight different issues everybody’s arguing about. His lively storytelling approach incorporates comics, photographs, and diagrams to create substantive but easily accessible reportage. Cunningham’s distinctive illustrative style shows how information is manipulated by all sides; his easy-to-follow narratives allow readers to draw their own fact-based conclusions. A graphic milestone of investigative journalism!

A Game of Thrones, Volume 1 by George R. R. Martin

Acclaimed novelist Daniel Abraham and illustrator Tommy Patterson bring George R. R. Martin’s epic fantasy masterwork A Game of Thrones to majestic new life in the pages of this full-color graphic novel. Comprised of the initial six issues of the graphic series, this is the first volume in what is sure to be one of the most coveted collaborations of the year.

War of the Green Lanterns : Aftermath by Tony Bedard

In the aftermath to "War of the Green Lanterns," The Green Lantern Corps must pull themselves together in order to resume policing the universe. But the Green Lanterns find that doing so is more difficult than they ever imagined.

A New York Times bestseller.

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