Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Digital Resources for Those With a Library Card

Because we are closed to the public through May 18th, this week’s blog features the digital resources available to our patrons and to the general public who have a library card. You will need to go to our homepage: and scroll down the page until you find the following resource links on the left. We are proud to be able to offer these services especially in times like these.
If you happen to have a library card and know your PIN, you may wish to take advantage of our RBdigital resources. RBdigital offers audiobooks, eBooks, digital graphic novels, and magazines. You can also check out Acorn TV (which contains shows from Great Britain, Canada, and Australia) for one week at a time, The Great Courses for learning and personal development courses, Hoonuit for video-based software learning, and Artistworks which offers video-based art and music instruction. 
RBdigital is available as an app on both Apple and Android devices. When you go to our page, you will need to login with your library card number and PIN (password) in the upper right-hand corner. Then scroll down and select the RBdigital resource on the left side of the page. This should take you to the RBdigital homepage where you will choose “Register” in the upper right corner if you do not have an account. Follow the instructions for setting up your account and then download the app onto your phone or tablet.  The only downside to this is that if your library account has a fine or needs to be updated, or if you are having trouble setting up your account, you will have to wait until we reopen to clear up any problems. 
hoopla is a digital app that allows you to check out up to 3 e-audio books or e-books per month. There is a wide selection of adult fiction and nonfiction as well as juvenile and young adult titles. Some of the juvenile titles also have a read along function allowing your child to follow along as the story is read to them. hoopla is easy to use. Set up an account with your email address and library card number.
One last thing, we would like our patrons to remember that we will not attach any fines to the materials you have checked out for as long as we remain closed. Please remember that audio CDs, DVDs, Playaways, Playaway Views, and any learning games and toys checked out from downstairs cannot be put in the book drop. Hang on to those and we will be happy to take those once we re-open.

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