Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sweet Thing

I married very late in life and to say that marriage has been an adjustment is an understatement. I had fallen into the rather bad habit of complaining about my husband to my friends. I had them questioning why I would have married such a rotten person. I ran across a book that made me adjust my way of thinking. It’s called “Remember the Sweet Things: One List, Two Lives, and Twenty Years of Marriage” by Ellen Greene.
For twenty years, Ellen Greene kept a running list of the thoughtful, funny, touching things that her husband, Marsh, said and did. She wrote them down secretly, and then shared them with him every Valentine’s Day when he would find pages from her “Sweet Things List” tucked inside a card. This book is a tribute to a man and marriage and Ellen intersperses selections from her “Sweet Things List” with recollections from their years together. At the end of the book she shares some thoughts on creating a list of your own.
Since I have about 5 years worth of listings to catch up on, I know the three I would put at the very top.
· I love coffee and in the mornings and he would microwave the leftover coffee and set the timer one the coffeemaker for 5 minutes before I get up so I could have fresh, hot coffee.

· When we married he was good to my cats and when one cat developed cancer had to be put to sleep he cried right along with me.

· He doesn’t mind my Disneymania and let’s me go to Disneyworld every year or so with a college friend.

These are just a few items and I’ll work up some more to perhaps put in a card for our anniversary. So what will you put on your “Sweet Things List?”


Unknown said...

This book sounds great. We could all use some positive thinking these days. I would love to try writing down the sweet things others do for me and remind them of those things on some special occasion.


I find it sometimes easier to see fault. I've been trying to look at the good my husband does also. I look forward to reading this book as you've suggested. Christine