Thursday, December 18, 2008

Movie, Anyone?

This is a bit of a departure from our usual subjects, but I just watched a really wonderful movie (for the second time) and thought I’d share it with you! It’s become one of my favorite films and it’s a perfect movie to cozy up with your friends, family and/or pets and watch. Produced in 2007, Lars and the Real Girl is a funny, tender, comedy with entertaining moments and intelligent characters. The movie ultimately explores a feeling that all of us can relate to—loneliness--and the healing power of family. Ryan Gosling stars as Lars, a sweet but unusual guy, who thinks he’s found the girl of his dreams in a life-sized doll named Bianca. The most touching part of this film is the way Lars’ family, friends and co-workers treat Bianca as if she is truly a member of their community. The gentleness with which the citizens of this town take care of Lars truly makes you believe in the magic of people. Watching this movie, especially during the holiday season, always makes me appreciate the members of my community just a little bit more. Some of the scenes are hilarious, especially when Lars and Bianca are invited to dinner parties together. This movie is truly a great “gift” to share with others.

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