Canine Conundrums and Cat Capers
I have been on quite a "non-fiction" reading binge lately but I could not resist the title of this new book. D. Caroline Coile, PhD & Margaret Bonham's Why Do Dogs Like Balls? More than 200 Canine Quirks, Curiosities, and Conundrums Revealed is a truly charming and interesting book. Being the "mom" of two rambunctious dogs, this book piqued my curiosity as to why dogs act the way they do. Coile and Bonham are both pet experts who detail, in this book, interesting and unusual questions that people have asked them about canines, and their answers to these questions. The book is organized in a "question and answer" format and is divided into nine sections and an index. The questions range from "Can dogs learn to read (imagine how much money that would cost you to buy books for them) to How good is a dog's sense of smell (100 million times the sense of smell of a person). The nine sections include: Dog Behavior; Canine Intelligence; The Dog's Emotions; The Canine Body; A Dog's Senses; The Sexual Dog; Dog Care; More Canine Questions and Dog Breeds. The index is especially helpful if you have a specific question you want answered and do not want to read t
he whole book. If you are a feline fanatic, don't be discouraged - Bonham and Coile have also published a book titled Why Do Cats Bury Their Poop? More than 200 Feline Facts, Fallacies and Foibles. The book has the same format as the canine title, and answers questions such as Can cats swim? and Is cat litter radioactive? This delightful cat book is as entertaining as the canine version and is perfect for the cat lover in you. But, take my word for it--it is hard to resist reading both of these books from cover to cover!
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