Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Witchy" and Mysterious

One of my favorite mystery series is the "Ophelia and Abby" series written by Shirley Damsgaard. To me, this series has a lot of positive elements in it, such as the fact that the main character, Ophelia Jensen, is the Librarian in the small town of Summerset, Iowa. But....she is also a witch, and is descended from a long line of witches! Ophelia's grandmother, Abby, is a witch too (and a fabulous gardener) who learned her skills from her family as she was growing up in the hills of Appalachia. Ophelia is a reluctant user of her powers, and her relunctance contributes to her charm. She is also an animal lover (she has dogs and a cat) and a new mom--but you should read the series to find out the rest of those details. Ophelia tries very hard to live a nice, normal, quiet life in Summerset, but somehow she always ends up embroiled in messes. This is especially irritating to Sheriff Bill Wilson, who always seems to be the one trying to clean up the messes. In Damsgaard's latest book in this series, The Witch's Grave, Ophelia is attending a library fundraiser at a winery, where she meets handsome, charming, mystery author (did I mention Ophelia loves reading mysteries) Stephen Larsen. She is enjoying Larsen's company and flattery when suddenly, a shot rings out from the trees surrounding the grape vines and Ophelia is shocked to see that Larsen has been hit! Who shot Larsen? Why was he shot? Was Ophelia the intended target? Ophelia, with the help of Abby, her friends, and plenty of strangers, must solve the mystery before it's too late! This is a great mystery with some nice supernatural elements and great characters. Try reading this series and I bet you will be as "charmed" as I am by Ophelia Jensen.

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